Katelyn Kawamura

Class of
Representing the City of
Sustainability Ambassador since
Fall 2020
Katelyn's interest in sustainability started very young, with her sparking interest in the topic around 5th grade and joining Sustainability Ambassadors in 6th grade. She has always been curious about the environment around her, and became passionate for helping preserve its natural beauty. As a Sustainability Ambassador, she has been active in discussing with her school board on how to implement sustainability legislature, as well as curriculum. She additionally has pursued many micro-impact projects that help solve the little, but wasteful, issues in her household, such as vampire plug loads and electrical clothes dryers. Aside from Sustainability Ambassadors, she is very active in her school community. Serving as a project board member for her school's Key Club, co-president and 3-time international competitor for Future Problem Solving, FBLA member and competitor, and taking part in her school music programs. In her little free time, she enjoys playing with her dog and practicing her many musical pursuits. In the future, she hopes to pursue a career in the field of medicine.
Currently, Katelyn is working on converting her and her neighborhood into using sustainably-made toilet paper. In addition, she is working on decreasing vampire plug loads, and using hang-drying methods in her house.