Maxine Junga

Class of
Representing the City of
Sustainability Ambassador since
Spring 2024
Maxine Junga (they/them) takes the term tree hugger to the most literally of senses. Max has a special connection to nature; one where the wilderness gives them the feeling of home and local flora and fauna are like kinsmen. Through hiking and caring for home pets and plants, they simply can’t get enough of Earth’s abundance. They are just one student at Skyline but hope to spread their hopes of a greener future to those around them. They hope to lead the masses with words both written and spoken, ultimately giving nature back the power that it once had. They want to learn all there is to know about the planet they live on and how to help it stay as lively as possible. They aim to reduce their current carbon footprint of 26,551 lbs. annually down to lbs. annually by continuing to use public transit, skateboarding and focusing on waste reduction down to 21,071 annual pounds. They plan to further reduce their resource use by lowering their water usage from 1,571 gallons daily by taking shorter showers and being more mindful of where their water goes overall. Their mind is always swirling with what ifs of the future, and desire to put those ponderings to use.