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Saanvi Agarwal


Class of


Representing the City of


Sustainability Ambassador since

Winter 2024

Saanvi (she/her) is an eighth grader at Evergreen Middle School, who believes that there are always ways, big or small, to make the world a better place. She has always been passionate about ensuring a good future for the planet and for the people who come after. Her path to sustainability began in fourth grade, and since then, she has organized a multitude of events in her community, from presentations on sustainability to a Halloween-candy wrapper mural. Aside from Sustainability Ambassadors, Saanvi is a public speaker, violinist, and dancer. She has won awards at various Model UN conferences, and went to nationals with her school’s We the People team. By joining Sustainability Ambassadors, Saanvi hopes to extend her love of sustainability to everyone in her community and leave a lasting impact.

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