Engineer, Senior Project Manager, Perteet
Patty Buchanan

Passion, Expertise and Contribution
Collaborate with Interns and educators on developing Green STEM case studies for the classroom on applied environmental engineering.
Coach students on using the Neighborhood Inventory Protocol to develop well-informed recommendations for city planners on green stormwater infrastructure, transportation improvements, community solar, micro grids, micro wastewater treatment, Ecodistrict principles.
Co-facilitate with other Coaches an annual Intergenerational Symposium on Engineering Design Challenges for Sustainable Cities in partnership with the American Public Works Association and the American Council of Engineering Companies.
Participate in one or more PBL Curriculum Design Labs to support both teachers and students in applied problem solving.
Support Green Job profiles and diversity workforce development strategies.
Design ways to integrate SA Impact Storytelling into personal and professional communications channels and platforms.
Support Ambassadors in building positive scenarios for the year 2050 through the Summer Series of 2050 WORKOUTS.
Attend the annual 2050 Update (August) and help promote it as widely as possible.
About Patty
Patty is a civil engineer with a focus on sustainability, both in engaging the natural world, but also the built environment. She believes that we should be working with and learning from our natural systems and applying those methods to better the environment we live in. She has worked on a wide range of projects including housing, schools, utilities, surface water, streets, and sites to help restore our environments. She believes that through education we can bring understanding to how to build a better place for everyone. Patty’s range of projects affords her a broader understanding of how infrastructure and site design are intricately entwined with the environment and the many potential users of any project (pedestrians, bike, car, and bus).
Patty is an avid hiker and world traveler. Both of these activities take her to amazing places that offer her opportunities to learn about other beautiful cultures across the world, but also new and sometimes better ways to support restoring our environment. And, she puts these lessons to the test both at work and in her home garden that is planted with nearly all native plants supporting better water usage and creating habitat for wildlife.