Learn and apply leadership.
Design projects that matter.
Make an impact.
Pass it on.
Join our mailing list to keep informed of Internship opportunities and application deadlines.
Send Inquiries to: info@sustainabilityambassadors.org
Empower youth to catalyze community sustainability.
Support internal organizational learning.
Support external partnership learning.
Mentor younger peers in knowledge, impact strategies, and professional skills.
Map progress using our community impact mapping website mywater.world.
Develop content expertise and professional skills with access to sustainability coaches.
Increase your project management, leadership, and communication skills.
Build your resume toward college and career.
Refine your peer-coaching and facilitation skills by training other Ambassadors
We provide facilitation, project design coaching, & professional skill
development to support intern programs managed by selected partner organizations.
Youth Ambassadors
Each spring we co-facilitate a 10-week, paid internship in partnership with the Port of Seattle. Together, we build broad community awareness of career opportunities at the Port & within the greater maritime and aviation industries. There are 20 internship positions available within this cohort & students already part of Sustainability Ambassadors are guaranteed 5 spots.
One of the key roles that our student Ambassadors are playing in this Internship is building an online portal for Green Jobs Youth Pathways. Learn more about the full range of Internships offered by the Port of Seattle.
Paradise Parking Plots Community Garden Internship Program
In partnership with World Relief Seattle on this professional track Internship, we offer paid positions for highly-capable local student leaders between the ages 16-23 who come from immigrant or refugee experience. Interns apply college & career skills to support the needs of the Paradise Parking Plots Community Garden.
The Garden is a public space that exists to empower refugees, immigrants, & the local community to improve food access, build community, & foster economic independence. The garden is also a practice of environmental stewardship through the incorporation of a depaved parking lot, rain gardens, & water catchment into the garden design. The garden is cleaning & diverting over a million gallons of stormwater each year & harvesting enough rooftop rainwater to provide about 80% of the garden’s irrigation needs. This Internship includes learning about the work of World Relief Seattle, coordinating volunteer work parties, leading educational tours, & teaching immigrant & refugee youth participating in a 5-week summer camp.
Food Justice Fellows
Sustainability Ambassadors is partnering with Rainier Beach Action Coalition to engage young adults in the Rainier Beach neighborhood and service area of Rainier Beach High School, in designing, implementing and mapping waste reduction actions with a focus on Food Waste / Food Justice. We are collaborating with multiple community partners, aligned with Food Waste / Food Justice policy frameworks and performance measures including the City of Seattle’s “Reduce Food Waste” resources. The Food Justice Fellows are using our community impact mapping website mywater.world to map projects and report progress.
DVYC is a community engagement program of the Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition that recruits, trains & empowers youth by providing job skills training & investing in community projects. Youth Corps members from past cohorts can return to serve as mentors, deepening their leadership skills as well as continuing to support community projects. Sustainability Ambassadors is supporting these Mentor groups on advancing the goals of the Duwamish Valley Action Plan, a City/community shared vision for the South Park & Georgetown neighborhoods. The Action Plan is organized into 7 priority areas: Healthy Environment, Parks & Open Space, Community Capacity, Economic Opportunity & Jobs, Mobility & Transportation, Affordable Housing, & Public Safety.
Clean Water Ambassadors
King County Wastewater Treatment Division partners with Mountains to Sound Greenway trust to offer a paid internship program for teens 15-18 years old. For 6 weeks in the summer, interns learn about human & non-human water systems while honing professional communication & leadership skills. During the school year, interns will work another 40+ hours on projects that make an impact in their communities. Sustainability Ambassadors is supporting training in public speaking skills. Learn more about King County Clean Water Ambassadors.
This program is designed by & for former Ambassadors returning for summer employment between their college years or interested in expanding our network of leaders into the world.
Young adults selected for the summer internship have high level skills that directly support crucial next steps for advancing our organization’s mission & programs.
Alumni share their knowledge & skills as mentors for younger Ambassadors & build connections with an ever-expanding network of older Alumni, tracking collective impact through college & into early careers.
We recruit, train and support passionate young people who (like us) want to rapidly advance a sustainable future.
We offer seven unique intern programs that support emerging leaders (like you?) in professional development, project management, community organizing, and collective impact reporting.