Visit our Events Page to register for one or more Labs.
All Labs are virtual, interactive, and collaborative. Teachers can earn STEM Clock Hours.
We Need a Laboratory
Sustainability Ambassadors is building a professional community of practice, a laboratory on problem-based, place-based learning around the principles of educating for sustainability. We offer a 12-month schedule of different PBL Lab experiences.

Why Should You Join?
You need time to study the kinds of problems that actually need solving at the community level.
You want to engage with technical experts and teaching colleagues.
You love it when your students are authentically engaged.
You find it messy but thrilling to guide students without knowing all the answers.
You want to take on the systemic challenges of teaching about climate change and about the determinants of equity.
You value a sustainable future.
This program is a real-time Lab during the school day with students. It takes the form of a traditional Town Hall style meeting with City staff and Councilmembers engaged in interactive problem solving with students who have prepared for the event and are committed to taking action as a follow up.
The full learning experience takes place over one to three weeks including: (1) student preparation and research, (2) the Town Hall event, (3) follow up student project design, and (4) collective impact mapping. The seminar is held at a point in the academic year most conducive to both curriculum sequencing and city policy development timelines and programmatic work plans.
We focus on the high school level, convening 3-8 class sections during a shared block period in the library or auditorium. City staff and selected Councilmembers serve as local experts on content, policy, vision, and performance measures.